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Christmas Party Fun

Salford Angels WI last meeting of the year was full of  fun and festive laughs as we welcomed our good friend Father Christmas and his elf to the Brown Cow in Winton to celebrate the season.

After the normal business of the meeting was complete we all put our thinking caps (or Christmas cracker hats) on for Sam’s Festive Fun Quiz. Our Sam is a fantastic quizmaster and quickly sorted out the rabble into some sort of order to focus on the job in hand. However Sam has a well deserved reputation for ‘fun’ quizzes being more like University Challenge, so when the final round of ‘Christmas Cracker Jokes’, came up we all groaned. For example, ‘how did the snowman get to work….?’ By icicle. Oh dear.

Next up was Elf and Robin racing, which despite some retirements before the race even started, was great fun. It’s funny how competitive people can get about some plastic Christmas toys!

The star of the show though (other than the amazing buffet), was a visit from our friend Santa and his happy elf. Santa brought us all a little gift and plenty of ho ho ho. I’m not sure he knew what he was getting himself into though as I spotted a red coated fellow at the bar a little later on enjoying a steadying Christmas tipple. Lets hope Rudolph stayed on the wagon or the sleigh might have been stuck on the East Lancs the next morning!

A big thank you to all the ladies (and Santa) who made our last meeting of 2014 such as success. The food was, as ever, fantastic and we all left feeling full of cake and Christmas Cheer. We wish you all a happy and prosperous new year!

We have a packed programme of events planned for 2015. All the details will be on the website soon so please check and our facebook page for more details.

Salford Angels WI meet on the third Thursday of the month at 6.30. Please note that due to road closures we cannot meet at the Beacon Centre for the next couple of months. Please check the website, your emails if on the distribution list, or call Suzanne on 07581 471530 for up to date information.